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Coming To The Court As A Witness

If you are at the Magistrates Court as a witness, you should notify the person who asked you to come to the Court or the registry once you arrive at the courthouse. You cannot enter the courtroom until it is your turn to give evidence. You should wait for the person who asked you to come to the Court to meet you, and they will take you to an area that you can wait in.

You are not allowed to discuss the case with other witnesses who might also be waiting.

When it is your turn, a prosecutor or a person called a court services officer will call you to give evidence. They will lead you to the witness box, which is the place in the courtroom where witnesses sit. You will be asked to take an oath or affirmation, which is a serious promise that what you say in the courtroom will be the truth.

You must tell the truth when you are giving evidence. Not telling the truth in Court may be a crime.